Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tow Trucks

Rather than blog about how long it's been since I've last blogged, I thought I'd just get right to it.

Earlier today, I got stuck behind a tow truck that looked similar to the one in this picture. If you'll give me a second to vent, I think this post will come full circle.

Tow trucks are annoying. Am I right? They're never a sign of something good. It's usually expensive, and completely inconveinent. Not to mention the person driving them is usually less than sympathetic for your need of their services.
So, you could say I have a beef against tow trucks. A great example of a first world problem.

As I complained about not being able to see around this tow truck, during 5 o'clock traffic, after a long day of work, it hit me. Some people call it an epiphany, some call it an "ah-ha moment," but I'd like to give credit where credit is due. The forgotten God, the Holy Spirit, HIT me. Like a tow truck. He's good at that. 

So, let me unfold my thought process for ya. As I'm stopped behind this truck, I began examining its parts, thinking, "what exactly does it take to tow a car?"

1. Look at the cross bar. Man.
What a picture of what God is all about. He's my tow truck. His function is to pick me up when I'm not runnin' anymore, or when I'm stuck in park in the wrong places.

2. Then I remembered my first thought; "Tow trucks are expensive."
So is following Christ. It costs everything. And admitedly, it can feel inconveinent. When God comes to our rescue, it's not always in the way we expect it. And it usually isn't. Nor is it on our time schedule. However, tow trucks arrive precisely when they get there.

3. Next I thought, "the drivers never seem polite. They're always in a rush."  I think I get that stigma from a movie. And I'm instantly reminded of how patient and merciful our God is, even when we don't deserve it. The truth is, we park ourselves in places we shouldn't be all the time. And yet we cry out against the One who delivers us out of the spots we're not supposed to be in in the first place. Crazy, but true.

4. Again, I thought: "Tow trucks are hard to see around in all this traffic."
Funny how accurate that is of God. Sometimes it's impossible to see where our help is in the middle of the every day. But on the same hand, it's right in our faces - almost obvious. I loved that I couldn't see past the "cross" of this truck in the midst of the traffic. (I think you're following my analogy pretty well, so I digress.)

5. Lastly, I thought, "well, at least we have tow trucks when we need them." What a cheap view of God's purpose in our lives. When we need Him? Come on, Jordan. We ALWAYS need God and His assistance. I got the biggest lesson out of this thought. When you're stopped on the highway of life and you can't seem to go any further, you need a tow truck. But you have to be the one to call. You have to call to get it to come to your rescue.  Telling them exactly where you're at, the truck is able to come pick you up.

How big is our God that He's made a way for us even when we're in the wrong places? When we're broken, or feeling stuck. Or even sometimes when we have to stop because things are getting dangerous. Even when it's our own fault that our "cars" break down. Lack of maintenance will do that. All the while, His assistance is only a call away. You need only examine the cross.

Probably never look at a tow truck the same.
I hope you don't either.
