Thursday, March 10, 2011

To Whom It May Concern

I decided the details of my trip to Africa were FAR too long for a Facebook status, so, here is where I'll describe the last few months of my life (cliffnotes style!):

Ever since I graduated high school I knew I wanted to travel abroad. Whether it was for school or for a mission trip, or for vacation, the travel bug had hit! My mom and I have gone to many different places across the US, and I'm EVER grateful that she has instilled in me the mindset of how travelling the world can help you better understand your own. Shout out, I love you mom!

Skipping ahead what would be the last 3 years of my life of "avoiding" trip opportunities and/or "making excuses" as to why I shouldn't go (for reasons which most of you would deem exceptable) God basically said, "THAT'S IT! I've had enough!" It's all in or all out! For context, this was about the time the first earthquakes hit Haiti. I felt more than "called" and more than "emotional" about what had happened to the people there. Even prior to that, the tsunamis across the world had hit home with me at a young age, and Katrina. I knew I wanted to help. Didn't matter where, for how long, or what exactly for. But I knew/know I am able and willing, so God would lead me.

 A friend of mine, *he who must not be named* (but not Voldemort) began telling me details about his upcoming trip to Africa last winter. This Voldemort is truly a blessing in my life, as he well knows, and I began to "regret" that I hadn't been doing what he was getting ready to do. That's when God said it again, "I've had enough!!"...of my excuses and half-hearted vision of helping others. And then, as God so perfectly does, the Word got to me. Scripture after Scripture put a conviction on my heart SO STRONG, I'd be an inch from hell if I had ignored it.

Why was I "jealous" of a friend doing an act of love for God? Why do I say "I can do all things thru Christ who gives me strength." But then I wasn't really living that? I'd become a hypocrite, a luke warm Christian.

Skipping ahead a few months, I applied. I took my "here I go" moment and ran with it! And now I'm going to Ethiopia and Rwanda in August 2011 for 11 days.

I wish I could say that I've gotten nothing but support and that my life has become richer, but quite the opposite. See, whenever you step out in obedience to what God has told you to do, your red dot pops up on the devil's radar and he has it out for you. Whether it's a frightened family member, or a friend who thinks I'll never make a difference, I won't be scared, and I will make a difference. Yes, I've met obstacles, and I'm sure more will come. But if God is for me, NOTHING can stop me.

I'll be going with an organization called Visiting Orphans, (google them!) whose sole mission comes from James 1:27-- to love on orphans in their distress.

I'm not saying going to Africa makes me any more "spiritual" than anyone else. There's a difference between taking a radical step of faith and a reckless step of foolishness. I have the chance, and I'm going to take it.
More to come, as always!

Redeemed, JAS. :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you stepped out in faith, and I can't wait to go to Africa with you! It will be a trip you will never forget, and trust me, you CAN make a difference!!
